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How Snowbirds Find Their Place

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Port Orchard - Washington

Located on the Sinclair Inlet of the Puget Sound, this waterfront community offers shopping, museums, entertainment, and galleries. It has ferry access from Bremerton and Seattle.  South Kitsap/Port Orchard is known for its great golf courses, fine marina, antique and collectible stores, and historic homes.  More>>

Every Kind of Way to Be a Snowbird

Some people reserve their snowbird nest on the previous winter's stay, while others wait to the last moment. Most drive to their destinations, but others fly. Thanks to the good folks who took last week's poll, and for your great comments. Here is the Summary of last week's survey>>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Are Better Hearing Aids in Your Future?

No one much wants to wear a hearing aid. But if you start missing out on the fun and people put you on the sidelines, there might be good news coming for you. Less expensive, better hearing devices might be on the way. Say What?


Killarney, Ireland

Ireland is one of the more popular expat destinations for Americans and EU citizens. Residents more or less speak the same language, and the last names are very familiar. Killarney is a small city in the south that offers great retirement possibilities.  More>>

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